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case study   8 — 8
  • Paper
  • 2023
The Mission

This brings us to launching our own set of premium texture boards for digital printers under the brand name UDS DIGITAL PAPERS. The company is stepping up its product development efforts in order to meet the requirements of the digital printing market. The launch of a new Digital range is the answer to the global trend of digitisation that continues to progress, every passing day. It isn't about the service provided as many other companies have their papers available in the market too.

chapter — 1



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By maximizing the possibilities of their quality, we developed an engaging yet deceptively simple online presence of papers. Subtle interactive embellishments combine with and enhance the premiym papers, providing the sophisticated context to match your demands.

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chapter — 3
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With an assignment to create a minimalist website, we focused on typography and a huge amount of white space, which reinforces the firm’s professionalism. The website had to follow a clean, simple visual style, but we still wanted to add something special that would personify the brand in a unique way. Our solution was to extract the ampersand from the firm’s logo and break it apart in several different combinations, letting its components illustrate the story as you scroll through the homepage. Once the user finishes their journey, the symbol reconnects, completing its journey as well.

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